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“ . . . plaintive beauty and radiant sound . . . ”
-- Anthony Tommasini, Boston Globe

Since 1985, Schola Cantorum has been recognized for lively and evocative performances of Renaissance Sacred Music. Singing without a conductor, the group brings an intimacy and excitement to this lovely repertoire. With Joel Cohen, we have performed at Tanglewood and served as the chorus for the Boston Camerata, winning several prizes for recordings ranging from Early American Shaker Music to Spanish Music from the New World. Schola Cantorum has also sung at the Boston Early Music Festival.

Founder and Director Frederick Jodry has been acclaimed as an organist and singer, and since 1991 as the conductor of the Brown University Chorus.

“Informed through and through by the music’s very human emotions.
Silence itself -- a deep inner silence, the shimmer of eternity --
was being articulated.”
-- Richard Buell, Boston Globe